Julia Gillard

I’m not sure if this happens a lot –  but, I just started a blog about sexism and then the Australian Prime Minister’s body gets put on a dinner menu at a political fundraiser dinner as “Kentucky Fried Quail”.


Julia Gillard is the first Prime Minister of Australia and was elected a few years ago in 2010 amid rumor and conjecture that she had an affair with someone that was allegedly involved with a scandal. Sound like politics? I’m not familiar with Australian politics so I’m going to stay with the quotes I can find and the absolutely sinful use of the words “small breasts, huge thighs and a big red box” at defining the leader of a country if even on a menu. So, read this article if you want more facts on the topic.  Julia has never been married and has chosen to not have children which is absolutely fine! Why are we so wired to believe women need to be mothers? She’s a firey, unapologetic, flag-waving, card carrying member of the woman’s movement and I’m pretty thrilled that she has the courage to stand up to her frat-boy ill behaved colleagues.

I love this speech she gives a speech about misogyny and sexism:

This is today. She’s the leader of an entire population and has such disrespect from her colleagues. It’s time to discuss this.