Samantha Gailey Geimer


Samantha Geimer was raped by Roman Polanski when she was 13 in 1977. I can say rape because she was under 18 and under California law someone under 18 can not legally consent. I can also avoid words like accused or allegedly because he plead guilty for unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.  She wrote a new book that will be released in September called “The Girl, A Life in the Shadow of Roman Polanski” ,

Roman Polanski is a famed film director who directed Rosemary’s Baby in 1968. He was nominated this year to win a lifetime achievement award in film and has a harrowing past. His second wife was pregnant when she was murdered by the Manson Family. He is a Polish Jew that survived the holocaust. But, he is also a man who escaped a jail sentence by fleeing to France over 30 years ago.

He married actresses. Young actresses. He took advantage of his protégé. He epitomizes misogyny.

Even I feel badly for the guy. An artist, a tortured artist. A widower. A rapist.

I’ve been reading a lot about this topic. What do inappropriate sexual relationships do to the adolescent mind? Well, I hope Samantha’s book can shed a little more light on transforming from a high profile victim to becoming a happily married mother of three that forgives her attacker.